
Our Mission
The Senior Center of the Chathams is committed to providing enrichment, support, information, and referral services for older adults. Our mission is to protect and preserve the independence and dignity of a growing, aging population. Our programs and servicescted and engaged. The Senior Center provides a comprehensive array of programs and services designed specifically to preserve the independence of our participants and to facilitate connection.
Our History
The Senior Center of the Chathams, Inc. inaugurated the Senior Enrichment Center, Senior Resource Center in May 1990. Thanks to the generosity of the municipality of Chatham Township, space was provided for a senior center in the lower level of the Township’s municipal building. The organization was an offspring of the Chatham Interfaith Council of Churches and was originally incorporated under the name Interfaith Homes and Services. In 1998 the agency name was changed to Senior Center of the Chathams to better reflect the services offered.
An independent not-for-profit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) agency that has served senior citizens for over 30 years, the Senior Center of the Chathams offers care and support to thousands of seniors and their families. Advocacy, information and referral, health services, and educational and recreational programs are just some of the services offered. Non-Chatham residents are also welcome.
Our success is due to the generosity of our donors – individuals and families who understand the importance of the care and support we provide.

As our Mission Statement says, we provide an enrichment center, information, and referral services for all participants of the Center. Our staff members love what they do and are always looking for new activities for older adults to participate in.

Julie Reich, LSW
Executive Director

Karen Alperowitz
Program Director

Lisa O'Hara
Marketing Manager

Penny Sullivan
Administrative & Program Coordinator

Pam Polemeni
Accounting Administrator

Ana McCormack
Development Coordinator
Board of Trustees
- Jason Maltby – President
- Anne Greener – Vice President
- Mark Grilli – Treasurer
- Ginger Nadel – Secretary
- Harvey Allen
- Barry Belfer
- Jim Connelly
- John Crouthamel
- Sheila Goggins
- Nancy Wellbrock Kmiecik
- Barbara Montague
- Len Resto
- Marianne Slamm
- Axlyn Sommer
- James Urbelis
Community Ambassadors
- Terry Berry
- Judy French
- Anita Glynn
- Doc Whipple